2024 Most Charitable Cities
Charity Navigator raised more than $35 million through its Giving Basket this year. Donors of all demographics in every part of the country contributed, with several communities standing out and earning recognition as the Most Generous Cities.
Methodology: Grouping donors by zip code, we calculated the amount donated per capita in each city (based on 2024 U.S. Census data). Those with the largest donations per capita are the most generous.
The list includes four categories based on city size:
Micro: <50,000
Small: 50,000-200,000
Medium: 200,001-500,000
Large: 500,001-1,500,000
Charity Navigator did not create a list for the largest cities, those with more than 1,500,000 people, because there are just six such cities.
Please see Charity Navigator’s Most Generous Cities of 2024 List below.
Micro city: <50,000 Population
Small city: 50,000-200,000 Population
Medium city: 200,001-500,000 Population
Large city: 500,001-1,500,000 Population
Most Generous Cities in Each State