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    a group of volunteers smiling and waving at a beneficiary as they pass out donations

    Top Donated Causes by the average amount donated


    Multipurpose projects that plan, develop and implement programs that provide technical assistance, training, and material resources to support the capacity-building efforts of developing nations with a focus on areas such as agricultural and rural development, health, education, social welfare, small business development, and industrial growth which facilitate the host country's ability to provide for the basic needs of its people; examples are Africare and the Committee for International Development.


    Average Amount per Donation: $134

    Planning and providing services and relief during and immediately after a disaster or emergency, including rescuing victims and providing emergency medical care, shelter, and food.


    Average Amount per Donation: $124


    Making free or low-cost food products available by distributing groceries, providing meals, or providing facilities for storing food and food aid overseas. 


    Average amount of donation: $121


    Promotion and provision of a broad range of social or human services to individuals or families; family services


    Average amount of donation: $117


    Promotion and protection of the physical and mental well-being of people through medical care and treatment; assessment and amelioration of social, environmental, and biomedical factors affecting that well-being; research into various diseases and in various disciplines; and education and prevention activities that increase people's own efforts at protecting public health.


    Average amount of donation: $112



    The protection and promotion of the human rights and civil liberties of individuals and communities. 


    Average amount of donation: $106


    All formally constituted educational institutions (except art and performing art schools) and projects or activities that administer or support those institutions; libraries; organizations whose primary purpose is to provide opportunities for supplementing and continuing education outside the framework of formal education institutions 


    Average amount of donation: $101


    Preservation and protection of the natural environment, including pollution control and abatement programs; conservation and responsible development of natural resources; biodiversity preservation and wildlife conservation; protection of animals, including domestic pets and animals providing special services; control or elimination of hazardous and toxic substances; solid waste management programs; and environmental education. 


    Average amount of donation: $99


    Provision of humane care, protection and control of domestic and wild animals that are a part of the living environment.


    Average amount of donation: $75


    *Cause Definitions based on the Candid Philanthropy Classification System. 


    The Numbers at a Glance.

    Top 3 Most Generous Cities >50,000 population by Annual Donations per Capita

    Data based on giving through the Charity Navigator Giving Basket from December 2022 to November 2024.