GRAYSLAKE IL | IRS ruling year: 2012 | EIN: 45-4739957
An EIN is a unique nine-digit number that identifies a business for tax purposes.
An EIN is a unique nine-digit number that identifies a business for tax purposes.
Organization Mission
Connect service members and their families with each other and with the benefits and resources they earned and deserve through professionally trained Veteran Peer Sp ... (More)
Rating Information
This charity's score is 93%, earning it a Four-Star rating. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence.
Charity Navigator's ratings previously did not consider Leadership & Adaptability, Culture & Community, or Impact & Measurement. The historic rating mainly reflects a version of today’s Accountability and Finance score. More information on our previous rating methodologies can be found on our rating methodology page.
Rating histories are available for a growing number of rated organizations. Check back later to see if this organization has a rating history!
This beacon provides an assessment of a charity's financial health (financial efficiency, sustainability, and trustworthiness) and its commitment to governance practices and policies.
Majority Independent Board Members - 100% independent members
10 out of 10 points
Industry professionals strongly recommend an independent governing body to allow for full deliberation and diversity of thinking on governance and other organizational matters. We check to see that a majority of board members are identified as independent on their tax form.
Source: IRS Form 990
Independent Board Size - 7 independent members
10 out of 10 points
Industry professionals strongly recommend an independent governing body to allow for full deliberation and diversity of thinking on governance and other organizational matters. For most organizations, we check to see if the organization has at least three independent board members. For large, donor-funded organizations, we check to see if the organization has at least five independent board members
Source: IRS Form 990
Material Diversion of Assets - None
10 out of 10 points
A diversion of assets — any unauthorized conversion or use of the organization's assets other than for the organization's authorized purposes, including but not limited to embezzlement or theft — also can seriously call into question a charity's financial integrity. We review the charity's most recent IRS Form 990 to see if the charity has reported any diversion of assets.
Source: IRS Form 990
Tax Form Disclosures and Policies
Full Credit
Partial Credit
No Credit
Website Listed on Tax Form - Listed
3 out of 3 points
Charity Navigator looks for a website on the IRS Form 990 as an accountability and transparency metric.
Nonprofits act in the public trust and reporting publicly on activities is an important component.
Source: IRS Form 990
Conflict of Interest Policy - Listed
7 out of 7 points
Charity Navigator looks for the existence of a conflict of interest policy on the IRS Form 990 as an accountability and transparency measure.
This policy protects the organization and by extension those it serves, when it is considering entering into a transaction that may benefit the private interest of an officer, director and/or key employee of the organization.
Source: IRS Form 990
Whistleblower Policy - Listed
7 out of 7 points
Charity Navigator looks for the existence of a whistleblower policy per the IRS Form 990 as an accountability and transparency measure.
This policy outlines procedures for handling employee complaints, as well as a confidential way for employees to report financial or other types of mismanagement.
Source: IRS Form 990
Document Retention and Destruction - Missing
0 out of 7 points
Charity Navigator looks for the existence of a document retention and destruction policy per the IRS Form 990 as an accountability and transparency measure.
This policy establishes guidelines for the handling, backing up, archiving and destruction of documents. These guidelines foster good record keeping procedures that promote data integrity.
Source: IRS Form 990
Documents Board Meeting Minutes - Yes
3 out of 3 points
Charity Navigator looks to confirm on the IRS Form 990 that the organization has this process in place as an accountability and transparency measure.
An official record of the events that take place during a board meeting ensures that a contemporaneous document exists for future reference.
Source: IRS Form 990
Website Disclosures
Full Credit
Partial Credit
No Credit
Tax Form Posted on Nonprofit's Website as stated on Form 990 - Missing
0 out of 3 points
For almost all charities, we check the charity's IRS Form 990 to see if it discloses that the Form 990 is available on the charity's website. As with the audited financial statement, donors need easy access to this financial report to help determine if the organization is managing its financial resources well.
Source: IRS Form 990
Financial Metrics
Full Credit
Partial Credit
No Credit
Liabilities to Assets: Ratio - 1.51%
15 out of 15 points
The Liabilities to Assets Ratio is determined by Total Liabilities divided by Total Assets (most recent IRS Form 990). This ratio is an indicator of an organization's solvency and/or long-term sustainability.
Source: IRS Form 990
Program Expense: Ratio - 62.15%
15 out of 25 points
The Program Expense Ratio is determined by Program Expenses divided by Total Expense (average of most recent three IRS Forms 990). This measure reflects the percent of its total expenses a charity spends on the programs and services it exists to deliver.
Source: IRS Form 990
Additional Information
Total Revenue and Expenses - Data Available
This chart displays the trend of revenue and expenses over the past several years for this organization, as reported on their IRS Form 990.
Click or hover over the bar to see exact $ amount
Salary of Key Persons - Data Available
Presented here are up to five of this organization's highest compensated employees. This compensation data includes salary, cash bonuses, and expense accounts and is displayed exactly how it is reported to the IRS. The amounts do not include nontaxable benefits, deferred compensation, or other amounts not reported on Form W-2. In some cases, these amounts may include compensation from related organizations. Read the IRS policies for compensation reporting
Paul Baffico, President
Mj Hodgins, Secretary
Ronald Bruner, Treasurer
Christopher R Stride, Vice President
Jeff Cercy, Director
Source: IRS Form 990 (page 7), filing year 2022
IRS Published Data (Business Master File) - Data Available
Organization which receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or the general public 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) (BMF foundation code: 15)
Independent - the organization is an independent organization or an independent auxiliary (i.e., not affiliated with a National, Regional, or Geographic grouping of organizations). (BMF affiliation code: 3)
Data Sources (IRS Forms 990) - Data Available
The Form 990 is a document that nonprofit organizations file with the IRS annually. We leverage accountability and finance data from it to form Encompass ratings. Click here to search for this organization's Forms 990 on the IRS website (if any are available). Simply enter the organization's name (Lake County Veterans and Family Services Foundation) or EIN (454739957) in the 'Search Term' field.
Impact & Measurement
This beacon estimates the actual impact a charity has on the lives of those it serves, and determines whether it is making good use of donor resources to achieve that impact.
$2,325 total costs / 95 nights of shelter provided = roughly $20 provides a night of shelter to a person experiencing homelessness. [2021 USD]
Program Context
Lake County Veterans and Family Services Foundation: This program provides people experiencing homelessness with a temporary place to stay.
Data Time Period
1/1/21 to 12/31/21
Benchmark for Scoring
Impact scores of emergency shelters are based on the cost of providing a night of shelter relative to the Fair Market Rent in that county. Programs receive an Impact score of 100 if they are less than 200% the Fair Market Rent and a score of 80 if they are less than 400%. If a nonprofit reports impact but doesn't meet the benchmark for cost-effectiveness, it earns a score of 65. This program provides a night of shelter for less than 200% of Fair Market Rent.
This impact score was determined through the Emergency Shelter methodology which is fully detailed in the Charity Navigator Guide to Ratings. Analysis conducted in 2023 by Charity Navigator using data submitted by the nonprofit, theory and evidence from scientific research studies, and public datasets.
Data Source
The nonprofit submitted data on nights of shelter provided.
0% of Impact & Measurement score
Culture & Community
This beacon provides an assessment of the organization's culture and connectedness to the community it serves.
Does your organization collect feedback (i.e., perceptions, opinions, concerns) from the people meant to ultimately benefit from your mission?
Feedback Usage
100 out of 100 points
How is your organization using feedback from the people you serve?
To identify and remedy poor client service experiences
To identify bright spots and enhance positive service experiences
To make fundamental changes to our programs and/or operations
To inform the development of new programs/projects
To identify where we are less inclusive across demographic groups
To strengthen relationships with the people we serve
To understand client needs and how we can help them achieve their desired outcomes
100 out of 100 points
Which of the following feedback practices does your organization routinely carry out?
We collect feedback from the people we serve at least annually
We take steps to get feedback from marginalized or under-represented people
We aim to collect feedback from as many people we serve as possible
We take steps to ensure people feel comfortable being honest with us
We look for patterns in feedback based on demographics (e.g., race, age, gender, etc.)
We look for patterns in feedback based on people’s interactions with us (e.g., site, frequency of service, etc.)
We engage the people who provide feedback in looking for ways we can improve in response
We tell the people who gave us feedback how we acted on their feedback
100 out of 100 points
What challenges does your organization face in collecting feedback from the people you serve?
It is difficult to get people to respond to requests for feedback
Equity Strategies™
97 out of 100 points
67% of Culture & Community score
Full Credit
Partial Credit
No Credit
Equity Strategies™ - Number of Data, Policies & Processes
97 out of 100 points
This organization's score of 97 is a passing score. The organization reported that it is implementing 13 Equity Practices.
The Equity Strategies™ checklist, developed by Equity in the Center™, consists of data, policies & processess that promote racial equity in operations and programs. The Equity Strategies™ were developed by Equity In The Center®, and collected in partnership with Candid.
Equity Data (7/7)
We review compensation data across the organization (and by staff levels) to identify disparities by race.
We ask team members to identify racial disparities in their programs and/or portfolios.
We analyze disaggregated data and root causes of race disparities that impact the organization/'s programs, portfolios, and the populations served.
We disaggregate data to adjust programming goals to keep pace with changing needs of the communities we support.
We employ non-traditional ways of gathering feedback on programs and trainings, which may include interviews, roundtables, and external reviews with/by community stakeholders.
We disaggregate data by demographics, including race, in every policy and program measured
We have long-term strategic plans and measurable goals for creating a culture such that one’s race identity has no influence on how they fare within the organization.
Equity Policies & Processes (6/7)
We use a vetting process to identify vendors and partners that share our commitment to race equity.
We have a promotion process that anticipates and mitigates implicit and explicit biases about people of color serving in leadership positions.
We seek individuals from various race backgrounds for board and executive director/CEO positions within our organization.
We have community representation at the board level, either on the board itself or through a community advisory board.
We help senior leadership understand how to be inclusive leaders with learning approaches that emphasize reflection, iteration, and adaptability.
We measure and then disaggregate job satisfaction and retention data by race, function, level, and/or team.
We engage everyone, from the board to staff levels of the organization, in race equity work and ensure that individuals understand their roles in creating culture such that one’s race identity has no influence on how they fare within the organization.
This beacon provides an assessment of the organization's leadership capacity, strategic thinking and planning, and ability to innovate or respond to changes in constituent demand/need or other relevant social and economic conditions to achieve the organization's mission.
The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking through articulating the organization's mission.
Connect service members and their families with each other and with the benefits and resources they earned and deserve through professionally trained Veteran Peer Specialists.
Vision Statement
10 out of 10 points
The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking through articulating the organization's vision.
Vision: to provide 100 percent free and confidential care to Veterans, Service Members and their fam
Strategic Goals
20 out of 20 points
The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking and goal setting through sharing their most important strategic goals.
Goal One: Reduce the time it take a service or family member to ask for help.
Goal Two: Educate and counsel the greater community supporting Veterans, service members and their families.
Goal Three: Raise competency in Veteran and service member care
30 out of 30 points
Full Credit
Partial Credit
No Credit
Investment in Leadership Development
15 out of 15 points
The nonprofit provides evidence of investment in leadership development.
Professional certified Peer training from nationally accredited Depression and Bi-Polar Support Alliance (DBSA), formal accounting and financial training courses for non-profits; Psych-Armor clinical training, state and county supplemental suicide and critical care training classes.
External Focus on Mobilizing Mission
15 out of 15 points
The nonprofit provides evidence of leadership through focusing externally and mobilizing resources for the mission.
Strategic Partnerships
Collaborative Engagement
Thought Leadership
Social Promotion
Civic Engagement
Public Policy Advocacy
30 out of 30 points
Full Credit
Partial Credit
No Credit
Adaptability Statement
30 out of 30 points
The nonprofit has an opportunity to tell the story of how the organization adapted to tremendous external changes in the last year.
In addition to the changes noted earlier in this report in the physical facility where we are headquartered as well as the strong outreach and programs of attraction for which we are noted in the community, the year of 2021 presented us with a major shift in priorities. Simply stated, in 2021, food insecurity for service members and their families was the major issue. We raised $97, 910 to distribute food, meals, diapers, cooking utensils, toasters, microwaves and more to 3100 service members in need through VACs, Lovell Federal Health Care Center, Catholic Charities, Midwest Veterans Closet, NIRCO, Veterans Path to Hope and Illinois Joining Forces. That converted to an average of 31.75/person.
The pandemic brought to our attention needs in the under-served Veteran population of North Chicago and Waukegan. Consequently, we increased our focus on the geography and people by assisting in the start up Northern Illinois Recovery Community Organization (NIRCO), the JIC Community Center in Waukegan, the Coalition to Reduce Recidivism, and the Multi-Faith Veterans Initiative. All the organizations are based in Waukegan and are directed toward helping African American Veteran and service member clients. We are extremely proud of our foundation direction and help offered.
Moreover, we were able to enroll new support from Rust-Oleum for our Ruck March, and for their assistance in painting the barns of Equestrian Connection, our Equine Therapy partner during their slow time due to COVID.