The nonprofit has an opportunity to tell the story of how the organization adapted to tremendous external changes in the last year.
Since Scratch’s launch in 2007, more than 100 million young people from every country have created a billion projects. In 2024, more than 20 million new Scratch accounts were registered, and more than 163 million Scratch projects were created. Scratch online use is growing an average of 13% annually. By Scratch’s 20th anniversary in 2027, the next 100 million children will have become members of this creative learning movement.
To accommodate this extraordinary level of growth, in August of 2023, the Scratch Board restructured the organization around four strategic priorities: 1) reengineering the platform to ensure that it can continue to scale, serving children around the world safely and cost-effectively; 2) supporting our existing and new users; 3) amplifying our impact through research and programmatic work; and 4) reinventing our business model to diversify and grow new sources of revenue.
Serving the next 100 million young people requires that we modernize our platform so that it can grow cost-effectively and efficiently and meet the privacy and safety needs of our global community.
Creative learning and creative coding are critical if we are to prepare children for the challenges of tomorrow. In the words of Scratch’s founder, Prof. Mitchel Resnick, “With the proliferation of artificial intelligence technologies, it will be more important than ever for young people to develop the most human of their abilities, the abilities to think creatively, to engage empathetically, to work collaboratively, so that they can deal creatively, thoughtfully, and collectively with the challenges of a complex, fast-changing world.”
To support this next chapter, the Scratch Foundation recently engaged an experienced executive, Dr. Margaret Honey, as its new President and CEO. Dr. Honey, who led the New York Hall of Science for the past 15 years, is widely recognized for her work using digital technologies to support children’s learning.