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    Donations made via the Giving Basket will go either directly to your selected charity or to Charity Navigator’s payment processing partner, the Give Lively Foundation (a 501(c)(3) charity), to be re-granted to your selected charity. Donations will go directly to your selected charity if it has registered with Charity Navigator for the solicitation of donations. You can check whether a charity is registered with Charity Navigator by visiting its Charity Navigator profile page. Registered charities will show that their charity profile is managed — "✅ Profile managed by nonprofit" will display under the organization's name. 


    If the charity you selected is not registered with Charity Navigator for the solicitation of donations, it will still receive 100% of your donation, less applicable digital payment processing fees through our partnership with the Give Lively Foundation. More information on how the Give Lively Foundation processes Giving Basket donations can be found here. In very limited circumstances, selected charities may not ultimately receive donations recommended by donors. Although rare, the most common reasons for this are:


    (1) The Give Lively Foundation mails a check to the address on file for the charity, but the check is returned as undeliverable or is not cashed.


    (2) The charity informs the Give Lively Foundation that it is not accepting donations.


    (3) Total Giving Basket donations to the charity do not meet the $10 minimum distribution threshold for a one-year period.


    In any of such cases, the Give Lively Foundation will disburse the funds to an alternate charity selected by the Give Lively Foundation in its sole discretion. To learn more about this topic, please refer to the Give Lively Terms and Conditions on the Redirection of Funds.


    With any of the scenarios above, your gift is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.