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    a group of volunteers smiling and waving at a beneficiary as they pass out donations

    2023 Most Charitable Cities

    The most generous cities in the United States based on Charity Navigator Giving Basket data

    Charity Navigator has compiled lists of the most charitable cities from our Giving Basket data. All cities have been analyzed per capita, and we've broken them down by cities with a population greater than 50,000, cities with a population less than 50,000, and cities with a median household income of less than $50,000 per year. Dig into our data below. 


    Top 20 Most Generous Cities (>50,000 Population) by Annual Donations per Capita

    Top 20 Most Generous Cities >50,000 population by Annual Donations per Capita

    Top 20 Most Generous  Small Cities/Towns (<50,000 Population) by Annual Donations per Capita

    Top 20 Top 20 Most Generous  Small Cities/towns <50,000 population by Annual Donations per Capita

    Top 20 Most Generous Cities with a Median Household Income of Less than $50,000 per Year by Annual Donations Per Capita

    Top 20 Most Generous City with a Median HH Income of less than $50,000 per year by Annual Donations Per Capita