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    My Nonprofit Journey: Nancy Duncan

    Vice President of Human Resources

    “Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” - Confucius


    Hello, I am Nancy Duncan, Vice President of Human Resources, and I love what I do every day!  I define the people operations strategy that supports Charity Navigator’s strategic plan. The most rewarding aspect of my job is those activities that promote and support a healthy and inclusive working environment that fosters collaboration and innovation for our staff.  With 25 years of Human Resources experience, eleven of those in the nonprofit industry, I am thrilled to have joined the Charity Navigator team in January 2022.  


    I was fortunate to be able to pause my career and stay home to raise my three children.  When it was time to re-enter the workforce, I knew I wanted to work for an organization whose work mattered. Finding a position with a mission-based nonprofit changed my life forever. It provided a fulfilling opportunity to support an organization that attracts passionate employees. I am not a world traveler and still live in the neighborhood I grew up in. However, my first mission trip to Mekele, Ethiopia, opened my eyes to a beautiful world and the extreme needs that exist in communities facing abject poverty. We focused on the global health sector, so I wasn’t sure what I would be able to offer on that mission trip. Quickly, I bonded with the mothers, comforting them as their children received life-changing surgeries. I witnessed first-hand their fears of handing over their children, followed by extreme joy after surgery. The experience taught me to appreciate the things I have and always ask how I can help others. 


    If anyone is contemplating their career choices, my advice is to find something you love doing. Yes, some days are hard, and there is always more to do, but there is noticeable balance when you love what you are doing. Generally, in nonprofit organizations, staffing is kept to a minimum; his means one is often wearing multiple hats. While to some, this could get overwhelming, it is what I love. There are many opportunities for staff to work on projects to acquire and improve their skills. 


    In my spare time, I enjoy reading, gardening, and crafting. Most of all I love spending time with my two daughters. With one recent college graduate and one college sophomore, free time is limited, so I soak up any time I can get!  


    Joining Charity Navigator, I was specifically attracted to the work with the Encompass Rating System and the Leadership & Adaptability and Culture & Community beacons. This important work will provide donors with a more holistic view of the health of a nonprofit. I am honored to be a part of the Charity Navigator team. 


    Written by Nancy Duncan, Vice President of Human Resources at Charity Navigator.


    Photo Credit: Nancy Duncan, All Rights Reserved.


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