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    Tax Calculator

    At Charity Navigator, we believe that giving to charity is serious business. Not only should you take the time to research the charities you consider supporting, but you should analyze your finances to see how much you can afford in your efforts to bring about maximum institutional change.


    Simply enter the amount you'd like to give and your federal tax bracket.* The calculator will display the net cost of the donation and the tax savings. You may be surprised to learn that you can afford to be even more generous than you thought.


    Keep in mind that you must itemize your deductions in order to gain a tax benefit. Make sure that when itemized, your total deductions are greater than your standard deduction. If they're not, stick with the standard deduction.

    Read our article Tax Benefits of Giving to learn more about how federal income tax laws as they relate to your charitable giving.


    *You can find the federal tax brackets for 2019 online at several different sites including Tax FoundationForbes and The Motley Fool