The nonprofit has an opportunity to tell the story of how the organization adapted to tremendous external changes in the last year.
Over the past year, as COVID-19 raged throughout the Commonwealth, we innovated and adapted our home-delivered, medically tailored meal model on a weekly, if not daily, basis, with the goals of continuing to serve our clients and their families experiencing illness and food insecurity while expanding our operations to reach additional community members in need.
Over the past year, we increased the production of our medically tailored meals by more than 75% to almost 74,000 meals per month. Given the pandemic’s outsized impact on low-resource communities and communities of color, we expanded our presence in Black and Latinx communities and Massachusetts’ Gateway Cities (midsize urban centers that anchor regional economies across the state and face social and economic challenges). With an increasingly diverse client base, we prioritized adapting our nutrition program to ensure our outreach strategy, client communications, menu development, and nutrition education and counseling reflect a culturally competent approach. To support our tremendous growth and mitigate a 60% reduction in volunteerism due to COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines, we hired 17 additional staff members, primarily in delivery, kitchen, nutrition, and client services departments.
We developed new programs and program components to more effectively meet the needs of our clients and their families over the past year. This includes the launch of a COVID Meals Program for food-insecure community members with a diagnosis of COVID-19, and the provision of medically tailored shelf-stable meal boxes to our clients and their families.
We implemented key operational changes to promote the safety of our community, staff, and clients, such as a “no-contact” home delivery model and increased sanitation of our building and delivery vans, and we collaborated with more food vendors to ensure we could mitigate food supply chain issues and secure the food products needed to prepare 74,000+ meals per month.