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    Announcing The Finalists for the Community Choice Awards

    Vote for your favorite charity to receive prominent visibility on Charity Navigator.

    With the immense support and enthusiasm from our community, these outstanding charities have risen to the top as the 12 finalists across four size-based categories. Each category is filled with organizations that have made a significant impact on important causes.


    All votes garnered in the first round and in the finalist round determine the winners, one for each size-based category. Voting is underway and ends at 11:59:59 PM ET on September 8, and winners will be announced on September 27. 


    Learn more about the Community Choice Awards

    The Community Choice Awards Finalists


    Organizations with less than $500K in annual revenue. Click on the logo to cast your vote.




    Organizations with $500K-$1.9M in annual revenue. Click on the logo to cast your vote.


    Organizations with less than $2M-$50M in annual revenue. Click on the logo to cast your vote.


    Organizations with less than $50M+ in annual revenue. Click on the logo to cast your vote.

    About the Community Choice Awards

    The Charity Navigator Community Choice Awards were created to empower supporters to recognize and celebrate the exceptional work of top-rated charities. As a supporter, you can cast your vote for your favorite charity, and together, we'll shine a spotlight on these remarkable organizations.

    • Nominees were selected based on four-star ratings and having earned all four beacons

    • Nominees are grouped by annual revenues: small-sized <$500K, medium-sized $500K-$1.9M, large-sized $2M-$50M, and super-sized $50M+.

    • August 17, 2023 (National Nonprofit Day) - Voting on semi-finalists begins

    • August 27, 2023 - Semi-finalist voting concludes

    • August 30, 2023 - The 12 finalists (three for each of the four-size based categories) are announced and finalist voting begins

    • September 8, 2023 - Finalist voting concludes

    • September 27, 2023 - Charity Navigator Community Choice Award winners are publicly announced

    • Supporters can vote via the links on this page or in response to the outreach they receive from nominated charities.

    • Supporters can vote for as many nominated charities as they please. 

      • Voting for the same charity multiple times will only count as one vote.

    • The four charities in each size-based category with the most votes (both rounds of voting combined) will win Charity Navigator Community Choice Awards.

    • Prominent visibility on Charity Navigator for one year

    • Email announcement to Charity Navigator’s audience of donors

    • Dedicated posts on Charity Navigator’s social media

    • Webinar speaking opportunity