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    Don't know where to start?

    Check out our expertly curated lists of Best Charities by Cause.

    Make your giving easier, safer, and more impactful


    As a part of our mission to make impactful giving easier for all, we launched the Giving Basket. oin the thousands of donors that use this tool, simply by simply clicking the 'Donate' button on your favorite charity's Charity Navigator profile page


    Benefits of the Giving Basket include:


    * Option of donating to a single charity, or you can add donations to other charities.

    * Control what information you share with each organization.

    * Option of making a gift in honor of a loved one - simply add their name and email, and we'll send them a notice of your generosity.

    * Easily keep track of your donations and set up recurring donations.

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    Every year, millions of Americans rely on Charity Navigator to guide their giving. Like the organizations we rate, we depend on the generosity of others to fund our programs. When you support Charity Navigator, not only are you making an impact on our ratings and resources, you're also lifting up the entire nonprofit sector.