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    The Flagship

    In recognition for your steadfast support of making impactful giving easier for all, we have created the Flagship.

    Because of our loyal, multi-year donors, Charity Navigator is continuously able to expand, evolve, and develop making impactful giving easier for all. These donors are at the forefront of who we serve, who we are, and why we do what we do.


    Membership will include special perks, such as exclusive biannual town halls, an online community, special communications from Charity Navigator and more!

    The Flagship Lives Nationwide


    All donors who have made a gift of any size to Charity Navigator for 2+ consecutive calendar years. 

    All eligible donors are automatically enrolled. Enrollment occurs every month. Please contact Kayla Vonderau at to check your status or opt out.

    Simply make a gift of any size annually. Consecutive years are measured by the calendar year.